Lazul Apartments is currently pursuing the FGBC certification.
Hi-Rise Residential Standard – A certification program specifically for buildings above three stories, it helps owners integrate proven and cost-effective green building strategies during the design and construction of their buildings.
Please check back for our FGBC scorecard.
Visit the following websites to see how Lazul Apartments is focused on green operation.

Live the Green Life at Lazul Apartments
Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is both beneficial for the world and for your wallet. Below we have supplied a list of ways that you and your family can be green! #GreenApartmentLife
Skip the water bottle
Instead of buying plastic water bottles that can be costly and use a lot of plastic, try carrying around a water bottle instead.
Ride a bicycle instead of driving when possible
Driving can not only be costly because of rising gas prices, but also causes pollution because cars release emissions into the air.
Save energy by using compact fluorescent light bulb
Set your thermostat a couple degrees lower, and wash as many clothes as possible in cold water because hot water takes up a lot of energy.
Use plastic Tupperware
Use plastic Tupperware and fabric lunch boxes for your family’s lunches instead of using paper bags and zip lock bags.
Encourage your children to use recycled materials when making art projects.
Recycled materials that are great for art projects are paper towel and toilet paper cardboard rolls, bottle caps, empty milk jugs, popsicle sticks, shoe boxes, and cereal boxes.
Use eco-friendly products
Clean your house with green cleaning products by using non-toxic biodegradable products like SCRUBS green cleaning wipes. Also, instead of using normal hand sanitizing wipes like sani-hands, be more green conscience and use green hand-wipes like sani-hands with tencel which is made with 100% compostable fibers and from renewable resources.
A great way to be eco-friendly is by recycling plastic, glass, newspapers, and pop cans.
Instead of throwing away clothes, shoes, and accessories, donate them to a place like Goodwill or sell them to a consignment store so that other people can get use out of them.Have fun beginning to live the eco-friendly lifestyle at Lazul Apartments! #GreenApartmentLife